Opciones y desafíos de migración de Windows Server 2003, parte 1
El 14 de julio de 2015, Microsoft finalizará el soporte para todas las versiones de Windows Server 2003. Esto significa que Microsoft ya no proporcionará soporte, parches de seguridad ni actualizaciones de software para este producto. ¿Cuáles son los riesgos de seguir ejecutando Windows Server 2003 cuando deje de tener soporte?Desafios e opções da migração do Windows Server 2003 - Parte 1
No dia 14 de julho de 2015, a Microsoft encerrará o suporte para todas as versões do Windows Server 2003. Isso significa que, a partir dessa data, a Microsoft não fornecerá mais suporte, patches de segurança ou atualizações de software para esse produto. Quais são os riscos de continuar a executar o Windows Server 2003 após o encerramento do suporte?SSR and Hyper-V_VM Protection
Hello all I am making a blog post after a long time but now onwards I will be regular! We keep getting queries on best practices/ways to protect Hyper-V VMs with SSR, so here is some useful information. Two different Methods/strategies could be employed to protect virtual machines on Windows Server with Hyper-V role enabled environment:Everything has gone cloudy. Can you see me?
Every second organisation and person is venturing into "cloud" at the moment it seems; this new technology that's going to make everything right in the world. I have a couple of side issues with that anyway - its not actually 'new' at all and how many people understand what 'cloud' actually refers to? That's not the point though.Apples and Toasters
Apples weren’t my thing a couple of years ago. It was all a bit too predictable. You could tell the guy on the train who was going to get a Mac out of his laptop case – it was ‘a certain type.’ Now it seems I have become one of those types. It’s ok these days because every second person has an Apple product of one type or another.This train terminates here . . .
I've been away for quite some time. Not physically, you understand, although the same level of travelling around the world applies, as ever, but in writing terms. A lot has been happening in the world of Backup Exec and its left me with little time to sit and think and write. For that I can only apologise but its all been in the name of a good cause.