6 years agoLevel 6
Stop the resouce service but still show mount point how to
Dear All,
My current system running on Solaris 9 with VCS MP 4.1 MP2 , there is Oracle cluster with node a and node b in active /active.
The DB instance and oracle installation mount on the db2 there are two SAN mount point db2/d01 db2/d02 db2/r01 db2/a01. I copy those dbf file to local harddisk for testing. I plan to use VCS to mount the db2 mount point but offline the oracle service and use the local disk dbf file for testing. May I know if there is step to prevent the oracle service bring online by vcs and show the SAN mount please?
I check there are CVMvolDG diskgroup and CFSMountpoint in the main.cf. Can I modify them?