VMware Instant Recovery - ESXi resolving Media Server
Media Server is also the Backup Host: Windows Server 2008 R2 with NetBackup 8.0
ESXi: vSphere 5.5
Symptom: Instant Recovery for VMware fails with NetBackup Job Status 130 (regular VMware backups & restores were ok). Troubleshooting NFS shows the VMware message: "Operation failed, diagnostics report: Unable to resolve hostname '<MediaServer_hostname>'" associated to the VMware task "Create NAS datastore".
Workaround: We added the Media Server name in the /etc/hosts file in the ESXi. Instant Recovery worked immediatly after this.
My question: Do the ESXi always need to resolve the NetBackup Servers for Instant Recovery to work? I know the documentation recommends that the ESXi name should be published in the DNS (always a good VMware practice), but I didn't knew the ESXi themselves had to locally resolve the Master/Media/Backup-hosts servers too. I try not to touch the ESXi configuration, if possible.
They should actually be able to resolve the media server for backups or restores to happen. in my experience, proper forward and reverse lookup will make the environment a lot more responsive.