understanding bpduplicate command
Hi All,
I have some questions. Please help me understand them
When we use bpduplicate with the attribure -Bidfile file_name we mention the backup ids that need to be duplicated in the file "file_name".
We have 6 drives in the library.
Q. when we will run duplication with the BID file it will start 3 duplicates by using 6 drives and the rest duplicates with the backup ids mentioned in the BID file will remain in queue? right or wrong?
Q. Now when any of the duplicates fail then it will automatically run the next pending duplicate from the BID file?
And following the same concept it will complete all the duplicates for the backups mentioned in the BID file? Am I right or some other concept is also involved?
Also what about those failed duplicates. The command bpduplicate will rerun them or leave them as such and we will have to manually run them again using bpduplicate?
Q. How bpduplicate picks the backup ids from the BID file? In sequence up to down or how?
If you want to run to duplication at a time , simply split up the bidfile in two.
If you reference the same bidfil the result can be unpredictable. bpduplicate may conclude there is already a copy or it may queue up for the same resource.
Further more, it will be difficult to conclude if the duplication is successful or not of you have multiple duplications going on.
If this part of normal work load, consider to use SLP.