SRT creating stuck on NetBackup Client installation files
I try to create SRT on RedHat. OS iso and 3PPCD iso was already provided but then I do not know how to point out to to Netbackup installation files correctly.
The following media is required:
NetBackup Client
Please load the media now.
Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] : /nbu90/NetBackup_9.0_LinuxR_x86_64
Mounting media ...ok.
Incorrect volume has been loaded, please try again.
Unmounting media ... ok.
This exact directory "/nbu90/NetBackup_9.0_LinuxR_x86_64" contains "install" file which was used to install netbackup earlier.
NetBackup version 9.0
What you need to create the SRT is the CLIENTS iso (or tarball). For Linux this would be the NetBackup_9.0_CLIENTS2.tar.gz file (from downloads). Extract this and point the utility at the root of that extraction and you should be good to continue.
I will agree it is not that clear what is required and the instructions don't really provide all the details.