SLP Query
Hello All - I need a clarification on SLP maintenance.
Environment :
NBU :77X
OS : Linux
There is one secondary operation disabled SLP in my server for which the backuplog is too huge .
i would like to know which all policies are using this SLP ., from summary of policies it does not showup as it is set at the schedule level.
Please advice.
Hi Smalling,
You can cancel the SLP..There are some options look.
Permanently cancels storage lifecycle policy processing according to how the -lifecycle, -before, -after, and -destination options are used:If the -lifecycle option and the -destination option are both used, nbstlutil permanently cancels processing for the existing images that the options identify.
If neither of the options is used, nbstlutil permanently cancels all pending copies for all existing images that the storage lifecycle policies manage.
If only a storage lifecycle policy (-lifecycle) is specified, nbstlutil permanently cancels all pending copies of the existing images that it manages.
If only a destination is specified, nbstlutil permanently cancels all pending copies that are bound for that destination, for all storage lifecycle policies.
I already had to cancel images from SLP. In my case I created a scritp to do this.After cancel the SLP, I have listed all images from Catalog and put them at .xlsx file.
I´ve create a script similar to this below, put on the left side all images and the right side made the command using "&A2&" to concatenate the command.