SLP- Backup & Duplication priority
Master: NBU 7.1, AIX 5.3
5220 Appliance - Local
5220 Appliance - Remote
I have a policy that backs up ALL LOCAL DRIVES on a client that has 2 x local drives.
When the policy runs it creates 3 streams to include the shadow copy components directive.
The SLP dictates that the backup should run to the local 5220, followed by a duplication to the remote 5220.
The policy has a job priority of 100 and the duplication priority in the SLP is 0.
I'm finding that when just one stream completes the backup, a duplication of that streams image kicks in even though the parent backup job and the two remaining streams are running.
How can I ensure that the duplication occurs only after the whole backup job has completed?
In a nutshell, you can't.
SLP will duplicate completed images, there is no way to be 'selective'.
Sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted to hear.
You can configure a selected amont of timings, for example, if it normally checks for duplicats every 30 mins, you could change this to every 1 hr (which might give the jobs a chance to finish), but this is hit and miss, as it depends when you start counting the 1 hr from.
The only real option is to deactivate the SLP (the backups will still run).
The SLP will then catch up when it is re-enabled.