oprd returned abnormal status (96)
I am not able to get media manager daemons after bouncing Netbackup Daemons.
And i got this error
# ./vmoprcmd -d
oprd returned abnormal status (96)
IPC Error: Daemon may not be running
Logs of daemon & reqlib & ltid as below:-
01:21:23.746 [23332] <4> CheckShutdownWhileInit: Pid=1, Data.Pid=25157, Type=100, Param1=0, Param2=-5056, LongParam=-23490544
01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-01 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-02 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-03 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.281 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-06 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-07 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-08 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-10 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive DLT8000-12 is ACTIVE
01:21:24.282 [23332] <16> InitLtidDeviceInfo: Drive IBM_ULTRIUM2_Drv07 is ACTIVE
01:00:01.207 [23580] <2> EndpointSelector::select_endpoint: performing call with the only endpt available!(Endpoint_Selector.cpp:431)
01:00:01.220 [23580] <2> EndpointSelector::select_endpoint: performing call with the only endpt available!(Endpoint_Selector.cpp:431)
01:01:40.430 [23805] <4> vmoprcmd: INITIATING
01:01:40.488 [23805] <2> vmoprcmd: argv[0] = vmoprcmd
01:01:40.488 [23805] <2> vmoprcmd: argv[1] = -d
01:01:40.488 [23805] <2> vmdb_start_oprd: received request to start oprd, nosig = yes
01:01:40.527 [23805] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: vnet_vnetd.c.2046: VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET: 6 0x00000006
01:01:40.527 [23805] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: vnet_vnetd.c.2060: service: vmd
01:01:40.623 [23805] <2> getrequestack: server response to request: REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGED 650
01:01:40.649 [23805] <2> getrequeststatus: server response: EXIT_STATUS 0
01:01:40.649 [23805] <4> vmdb_start_oprd: vmdb_start_oprd request status: successful (0)
01:02:57.220 [23805] <2> wait_oprd_ready: oprd response: EXIT_STATUS 278
01:02:57.221 [23805] <2> put_string: cannot write data to network: Broken pipe (32)
01:02:57.221 [23805] <16> send_string: unable to send data to socket: Broken pipe (32), stat=-5
01:07:42.537 [24144] <4> rdevmi: INITIATING
01:07:42.537 [24144] <2> mm_getnodename: cached_hostname tcppapp001, cached_method 3
01:07:42.583 [24144] <2> mm_ncbp_gethostname: GetNBUName <tcppapp001-bip>
01:07:42.583 [24144] <2> mm_getnodename: (5) hostname tcppapp001-bip (from mm_ncbp_gethostname)
01:07:42.584 [24144] <2> rdevmi: got CONTINUE, connecting to ltid
01:08:02.755 [24098] <16> oprd: device management error: IPC Error: Daemon may not be running
01:08:03.241 [23355] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY
01:08:03.242 [23355] <4> peer_hostname: Connection from host tcppvmg265-bip,, port 6735
01:08:03.335 [23355] <4> process_request: client requested command=43, version=4
01:08:03.335 [23355] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested
01:08:03.369 [23355] <4> start_oprd: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/oprd, pid=24164
01:08:03.638 [23355] <2> vmd: TCP_NODELAY
01:08:03.638 [23355] <4> peer_hostname: Connection from host tcppvmg265-bip,, port 18394
01:08:03.685 [23355] <4> process_request: client requested command=43, version=4
01:08:03.685 [23355] <4> process_request: START_OPRD requested
Please help me out how to get rid of this issue and what is this issue about.