NBU allows overwrite of tapes from another domain?
I have a customer with two NBU domains (two separate Master Servers) both with tape backups that are sent off-site. It seems that if they recall an unexpired tape for restore and put it in the library on the “wrong” site, it gets put into the scratch pool once the Robot Inventory and volume configuration have run which means it is very likely to be overwritten. Is this normal behaviour?
Customer is concerned an operator error is likely to lead to data loss. Apart from the media write-protect switch, is there a way to stop NBU treating unknown NBU tapes as available new media? I think the Robot Inventory Advanced Options could help but I suspect this could also be error prone?
NBU seems to leave tar and CPIO etc. tapes alone by default and I always thought it did for NBU tapes if it wasn't sure. Thanks, Andrew
Once you inventry the library, and BB1234 becomes 'known' to the system (it appears in the list of media) - lets call this master_server_A. at this point it is given a mediaID, and so it is not an unknown mediaID at this point.
It contains images (from the other system, master_server_B) on the tape, but there are no images in the NBU catalog for the tape on master_server_A.
If you then consider an expired tape from, master_server_A (AA1234), it contains no images in the catalog, and thus from the 'catalog view' it is the same as BB1234. Both tapes have data, but no images in the catalog.
If you were to use either tape, they would both be overwritten.
The NBU tape header is checked, to be sure the media ID is matching what it should be, but no other checks are made, and there is no way to tell from the tape header if the tape 'really' contains valid data that should not be overwritten.
Phase 1/2 does not really resolve the issue - the images would become 'valid' again and so the tape would not be overwritten until it next expires. A phase 1 takes 15 or so minutes at a guess, a phase 2 several hours if the tape is full - not really an option.
If the media IDs on system A use different characters of the barcode than system B (first 6 instead of last 6 ) then this would stop the tape being overwritten. However, it would also make it much harder to move and import (phase 1/2 ) tapes in to the system if that ever was a requirement.