Forum Discussion

Dan_Giberson's avatar
14 years ago

Exchange GRT Restore send notification to user

Looking for suggestions on how to turn off notifications on mailbox restores when using the Exchange GRT with a Netbackup 7 environment. While this feature is useful when the user requests a restore, it's not so good when the restore is requested by Security. Any thoughts? Below is the message that shows up:

Subject: Symantec NetBackup initialization message for mailbox restore.

Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers has restored one or more items to your mailbox. After verifying that all requested items have been restored, you can delete this message. For more information, contact your system administrator and refer to the job history for job


Currently running NBU 7 on Windows 2K8. Is this an Exchange setting or Netbackup? It gets sent from the service account that was created.

  • Hi,

    I'm having the same problem as yours. I opened a call in Engineering, Symantec.


    The Systems Engineer told me that:
    "The email message That You refer too is by design, and the notification is built into the code. There Is Currently in the NetBackup configuration option in areas to disable this notification after a successful restore mailbox nor change the content of the message.
    We Can raise a Product Enhancement Request through your account manager if you wish. Is That The Process Will the account manager then pass on the request to Product Management who functionality required the May include into future releases."




    Rainer Faulstich

  • Nine years later - still no option to disable this message? Or is there?

    • Lowell_Palecek's avatar
      Level 6

      I checked the current code for NetBackup 8.3. There is not an option to skip the message.

      It's not so simple as it may seem. This "seed message" is sent to EWS as part of preparing to write messages into the target mailbox. The Microsoft EWS API is sluggish about the initializing with the EWS service, which causes the write of the seed message to fail. NetBackup (or Backup Exec) keeps trying until it succeeds. That's when it's ok to start writing the messages being restored.

      So, it's feasible to skip the message, but it will take more than an hour of effort from a support engineer, because it has to be replaced with something else in the initialization sequence.. If you want this change, you need to engage Veritas Product Management.

      As an aside, the message now says "Veritas NetBackup" rather than "Symantec Backup Exec for Windows". I think I did that.