Store the Contents on the Content Routers
Could you please help us to resolve below issue.
Store the Contents on the Content Routers :
tx: could not be stored (Error while processing \\?\D:\Groups\CRED_PORTFOLIO_IS_09919\CCM\cpis\SOx Production\2014 Projects\CPIS Presentation\SOx Presentation\~$CPIS Presentation v1.pptx (object cannot be accessed because it is locked by another process).
Error: 102: Error while processing \\?\D:\Users\ub20515\My Folder\~$Pulse Check Cumulative 2014.xlsx (object cannot be accessed because it is locked by another process).
Error: 102: \\?\D:\Users\ub20515\My Folder\~$Pulse Check Cumulative 2014.xlsx: could not be stored (Error while processing \\?\D:\Users\ub20515\My Folder\~$Pulse Check Cumulative 2014.xlsx (object cannot be accessed because it is locked by another process).
Please share any tech document.