Pure disk reinstallation
Hello Experts,
while reinstaling the pure disk client s/w on existing host(agent id:23), what happens if we reinstall the pure disk s/w with different agent ID(agent id 42).
How the PD SPA will consider?
The spa will consider the new agent ID different than the old even if they're the same server. You will have issues restoring id:23 if you install with any other agent ID.
Few more caveeats for large clients (tens of milions of files, few TB) installed with different ID, thus duplicated logically:
- It may take a really longer while for another initial backup to complete.
- Duplicated larger clients may stuff your Metabase Engine.
- Duplicated "local" PO lists may "eat" some disk space: "C:\Program Files\Symantec\NetBackup PureDisk Agent\var\srd"