Forum Discussion

CadenL's avatar
Level 6
3 years ago

Removing empty folders from Vault Store partitions


I've read in previous posts that there is typically no issues with manually deleting Vault Store partitions folders that no longer contain any EV files. Due to Storage expiry settings many (if not all) of our folders on the closed partitions are empty and whereas this isn't really causing any issues our storage team have asked if it is ok to reduce the sheer quantity of folders that exist without any data by deleting them. The vault store itself will remain.

So long as we can guarantee that only empty folders will be removed and that these folders will only exist within closed partitions, are we good to do this as the previous posts I've read were from years ago and things in later versions may have changed.

This is for an EV 14.1 environment that does Exchange archiving only.

many thanks