Enterprise Vault Add-In Doesn't Automatically Load
I don't know if anyone will be able to answer this, but I thought I'd give it a try. I have a Windows 7 x64 SP1 image that I'm pushing out to computers and when I login to the computer with an account and launch Outlook the Enterprise Vault add-in doesn't load. I don't get the Enterprise Vault ribbon tab and it doesn't show in the File menu. If I look at the options I can see Enterprise Vault in the list of Active Application Add-ins and if I go to manage add-ins and uncheck Enterprise Vault, close Outlook, open it and check it everything loads up (the ribbon tab and in the file menu), without restarting Outlook. Has anyone see this before? I know it's sort of a generic question but I thought someone here might have an idea why it isn't loading automatically, even thought it's in the list of active add-ins.
I'm using:
Windows 7 x64 SP1, Outlook 2010 (32-bit), and the Enterprise Vault HTTP-Only Add-In (version 9.0.9377, according to add/remove programs)
if its not loading the first time that outlook is ever launched, its most likely because when it first launches, it starts to build the OST and the hidden message doesn't exist as soon as Outlook opens, so the EV Client doesn't load up
however when you restart outlook, the ev plugin sees the hidden message and see's its enabled and then opens correctly.