Forum Discussion

Kerm007's avatar
Level 4
2 months ago

Tape overwrite question

hello all 

yesterday i ran a daily job and i have 2 tapes devices (not library) in my daily job i said took any tape cartridge storage 2 device in the pool 

but for some reason it took the tape from the second device wich was a monthly tapes to be ready for tonight 

i was wondering why it didn't take the one of the daily we have a rotation of  20 tapes 

any idea why ?



  • Hello 

    i check in Backup exec and in media properties i dont see expiration date 


    • Kerm007's avatar
      Level 4


      we have 20 daily tapes but i dont run job on week end 

      only from Monday to Friday 



      • pkh's avatar

        From Google,

        There are between 20 and 23 weekdays in any given month. The number of weekdays in a month depends on what day the month starts on and how many days are in the month.

        So for some months, you may end up with no overwritable tapes.

  • Check the expiry date of your daily tapes.  It could be that they are not expired by the time the next daily job run.  Remember that the expiry period starts from the end of the job, not the start.


    • Kerm007's avatar
      Level 4

      also just to let you know in the daily job we said keep data for 26 days 



      • pkh's avatar

        Since you want to keep the data for 26 days, unless you have at least 26 tapes for your daily backups, you are going to run out of overwritable tapes.

  • I wonder if the first device is busy.

    Can you post detailed information about the job?

    • Kerm007's avatar
      Level 4

      hello the device was not busy 

      we insert the daily tapes in tape 1 when the tape 2 was loaded with the monthly tape in tape 2 

      i label it Monday morning  the Monday job run well but when we insert the Tuesday tape yesterday morning the job start on the monthly tapes instead 

      weird behaviour 
